Experience sharing from our developers

App Concept


During the conceptualisation phase, the idea of an app in customer’s mind is translated into a workable app development proposal by our developers and architect.  This process involves two distinct parts.  i) Understand the customer’s need for the app.  ii) Prepare the proposal for the customer

Understand the App concept

Developers sit with customers and end-users to understand what they want to achieve using the app.  Various use cases scenarios are discussed and understood.  Drawing board, current way of doing, paper forms, information flow, work flow, approval process are some of the areas developers will enquire and gather info from the customer.  Involvement of the end-users is beneficial since they are familiar on the working process.  “How do you do it currently?” is a classic question developers will ask in order to understand the users’s perspective.  Eventually developer may be able to suggest better way of implementing it in the app.

Some times customer comes up with a statement of work (SOW).  That will be a useful starting point for the developers for the initial understanding of the app requirements.

App development proposal

Once development team understand the core features of the app, next task for them is to prepare a business proposal for developing the app.  The proposal document will include the scope of the work, overall schedule (duration) of the project, and cost estimates.  Following steps are involved.

Evaluation of the technology

Estimation process

Resource capability and adequacy

Schedule commitments

Cost estimates


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